Personal Leadership Model

Personal Leadership Model

Leadership is one of the most important factors in determining the overall success of an organization. Leadership is incredibly influential in ones’ personal life. While there are many models of different leadership theories, that provide great insight into ways to enact and embody leadership. One of the key factors of successful leadership is understanding what type of leadership is needed and what leadership strategies are best for you and your environment. 

I have developed a personal leadership model to articulate a style of leadership I find myself using most frequently. This model pulls from many different theories discussed with my Leadership courses at USD but is unique to me. This model does not consist of the basic flow chart or diagram it is more loosely defined. My leadership model is focused on enacting leadership without any type of authority or official power. The model resembles a sunset as the model is broad and nondescript and asks the individual to operate in the background. 

The first step is Awareness, meaning one needs to be aware of their thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and biases. To be a successful leader, one needs to understand themselves holistically first, the key is to have emotional intelligence. The second step is to Listen and Observe, specifically in new situations or environments it is best to listen more than speaking. I feel we can learn a lot about people just by listening to the words they choose or watching how they interact with others. The first step is to develop some sort of relationship or understanding with each individual you will lead. While it would be optimal to develop an authentic relationship and be able to utilize authentic leadership, such is not a style that works for everyone. The next and possibly most important step is to evaluate the needs and skills of those you are leading. The point is to figure out how best you can be of assistance to them. This looks like asking questions and pulling information from outside sources. The second to last step which makes the whole model successful is to inform. Information is power, but it can also be poison. In this phase, we provide the individual with the information that will best fit their needs, goals, and vision of the collective. The final step is to reflect on how the process felt. Did you feel your ego or own self-interest come into play during this process? Did you correctly prioritize the needs of the group? Were your goals achieved ethically?


Authentic Leadership